Moving Out

This is the first in a line of student life related posts that I will be posting over the next few weeks, to share my experiences of my first few months of university, living by myself and the changes that come with student life.

First up, we’re starting with that first step…moving out.

if we were meant to stay in one place, we'd have roots instead of feet

Moving out is a big deal.

I think it is something that I’ve been thinking about for a very long time. I know everyone dreams about decorating their first apartment and living by themselves and being “independent”.

Actually taking that step is a very big deal. At the start of this year I actually finally did. After searching on gumtree for weeks I finally stumbled across an apartment on a facebook Stellenbosch accommodation group and I went to see it, signed some papers and then suddenly I had to pack up everything into boxes and move my entire life into the tiny apartment that was now home. The first night was the scariest. That first time that you stay over in a new place, by yourself is scary. Even though your stuff is there it looks wrong because it doesn’t seem like it fits in right in those different shaped rooms and it takes a little while for it to feel like your place.

But as the weeks go by, and you suddenly realise that it’s been months and you’ve gotten into a routine of buying electricity and cooking for yourself and leaving washing up until the last possible minute – you realise that this foreign little apartment is actually your home. And that’s actually pretty cool.

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